Wednesday, 18 November 2020

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Latest Breaking News Daily: South surrey Cannabis 604-849-3905 delivery or pi...:                                  South Surrey Cannabis 604-849-3905  

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Monday, 13 May 2013

Latest Solar Flare Activity: Solar flare Activity 13 May 2013

Latest Solar Flare Activity: Solar flare Activity 13 May 2013: Solar flare Activity 13 May 2013 Another major X-Class solar flare, this time peaking at X2.8 was observed at 16:05 UTC. Another St...

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Emergency Fishing Kit - A Small, But Powerful Component Of Any Survival Kit - Outdoors

An emergency fishing kit could mean the difference between spending a night lost in the woods with your stomach rumbling and spending that same time being proud of your survival abilities. While your survival kit should always have some amount of consumables, fresh fish cooked over an open fire is not only tasty but a great boost to your morale. An emergency fishing kit can be packed in a very small container, yet have everything you need to catch all but the biggest fish.

The first component is fishing line. Use ten or twelve pound test line. This is thin enough to not spook smaller fish but strong enough to handle anything you are likely to catch. What I've found works well for storing the line is to grab a plastic bobbin from a sewing kit and string the line on it. You can keep quite a bit of line on these and they are very small and easy to fit into a kit. When you go to use the line, just unwrap what you need from the spool and tie it securely to the end of a long branch.

If possible, do this in such a way that you don't need to cut your line. Spool out what you need to go from the stick to the water, tie it off, then hold the bobbin in the same hand you hold your branch. Doing it this way will preserve the total length of the line for future use.

The second component is hooks. You'll want several of them, in case your line breaks or gets snagged so bad you need to cut it. Small hooks, sizes number eight or ten, will suffice in most circumstances. The odds of you catching a monster walleye or muskie lie somewhere between slim and none. Catching smaller bluegill, crappie, or perhaps bass are much more likely. Too large of a hook and the fish won't be able to get their mouth around it.

Sinkers, or weights, are next. The purpose of a sinker is to take the bait from the water surface down to where the fish live. Many baits would otherwise just float and that won't help you catch most fish. Some split shot sinkers work well for most situations and have the benefit of being easy to add or remove as needed. This type of sinker crimps on to the line and can be uncrimped by pressing the two little fins on the sinker. You have to be careful to ensure you don't add too much weight though or it will sink your bobber, which brings us to...

The final component of the emergency fishing kit is a float, or bobber as some call them. Now, you could easily improvise a bobber by using a piece of cork or even a small twig. The idea behind a bobber is to keep your bait from just resting on the bottom of the lake. Plus, it is a visual indicator when a fish takes the bait. Even the smallest bobbers will have greater buoyancy than a small twig, allowing you to use more bait on the hook.

As for what bait to use, you can usually find worms or grubs under rocks on shore. Caterpillars and bugs of just about all kinds make for effective natural bait. You could of course add a few fake worms or other artificial bait to your emergency fishing kit as well, just in case. You can also improvise bait using aluminum foil and/or brightly colored fabric.

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Monday, 21 May 2012

Emergency Survival Blanket - A Vital Part Of Every Survival Kit - Outdoors

An emergency survival blanket is a core element of any survival kit, from a bulked out bug out bag all the way down to a bare basics kit in your pocket. There are many different brands and models of survival blankets but all have the same basic purpose - to keep your body heat in and keep the elements out.

Emergency survival blankets are usually made from a thin layer of plastic that is coated on one or both sides with a metallic film. The idea here is that the plastic keeps water and wind from getting through to you while the metallic foil reflects your own body heat back at you. These were first developed in the mid-1960s by folks working in the United States' space program.

The primary use of these blankets is to wrap them around the body, forming a cocoon in which body heat is trapped, keeping you warm. However, they can also be used as a tarp for shelter. Being windproof and waterproof, when draped over a lean to type of shelter, they do well in keeping rain and snow off of you. Used in a similar fashion in the summer, with keeping the foil side directed out, it will provide cooling shade.

You can even cook with them, by fashioning the blanket into a solar convection oven by using the blanket, metallic side out, as a substitute for the more typical aluminum foil in these ovens.

When deciding what size blanket to purchase, bigger is usually better. It is better to have too much material and have to wrap it around yourself a couple times than not have enough to build an adequate shelter. Plus, if you aren't alone during a survival situation, you can get more bang for your buck, so to speak, by having people pair up under emergency survival blankets. Doing so dramatically increases the available body heat, which can be a great help to anyone suffering the effects of hypothermia in particular.

Once you've purchased your emergency survival blanket, it is important to take it out of the package, unfold it completely, and then refold it in a different configuration. The reason for this is, if stored long term without use, the blankets can become weak at the fold lines. There have been reports of people unfolding their blankets for the first time in a survival situation, only to find it is nothing more than strips of material that has torn along the original folds.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Tips On How To Maintain Your Primary Emergency Survival Food Supply - Self Help

You will not want other folks to learn about your emergency stock if regular food becomes scarce enough within a survival situation that your family has to rely upon the provisions you might have put away. As observed in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, even civilized modern society can certainly breakdown within an unexpected emergency circumstances when we have no access to water that is clean and foodstuff. If the outlook is bleak enough, even neighbors may well demand that you simply distribute the supplies you have stored for your family and threaten physical violence if you happen to refuse.

On Lots of occasions government agencies have demonstrated how inefficient they are at delivering food, water as well as other emergency supplies to places affected by natural disaster. It can take up to two weeks for first responders to arrive in heavily populated areas with emergency supplies. Those living in extra remote locations can anticipate aide to be even longer in coming. Households should be ready with their own emergency survival food.

If the electric power goes out during a hurricane or other natural disaster, electric powered can openers and also other such appliances won't work. Families must store a traditional crank can opener along with survival food supplies that include canned products. More than once people have found themselves not able to eat the food they have already stored because they have no way to get into their cans.

Being prepared for an emergency scenario does not end with merely obtaining your survival food supply. Your survival foods are often quite different from what families ordinarily eat. Families should learn the best way to put together daily meals from their supply of emergency survival foodstuff long before they find themselves in an emergency situation. With MRE meals, what this means is learning to use the portable food heaters included in the pack. However, food insurance kits, containing flour, white rice, sugar in addition to goods necessary for scratch baking, take far more practice to prepare expertly.

Your family may be required to evacuate during disaster conditions with little notice. Your survival provisions ought to be located so that families can seize them immediately and go. Large food-grade plastic-type tubs on casters insure that it is very easy to fairly quickly move foods from their long term storage site and into the family motor vehicle during evacuation situations. These packing containers also safeguard foods from mice, pets and exposure to humidity.

Being prepared for a disaster situation does not end with basically buying your survival food supply. Your survival foods usually are quite different from what family members ordinarily eat. Families really need to learn how to put together meals or snacks from the store of emergency survival foods before they find themselves in an emergency situation. While using MRE meals, what this means is learning how to use the portable food heater included with the pack. Interestingly, food insurance kits, that contains flour, white rice, sugar as well as other items essential for scratch baking, take much more practice to prepare expertly.

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